Labor Day Super Cup



August 30-Sept 1








Brand New for 2025 the Labor Day Super Cup will take place at the Davis Legacy Soccer Complex on Labor Day weekend.  U11-U19 Boys and Girls teams will fight in out for the right to play in the LABOR CHAMPIONSHIP matches on Monday morning.  Unique for the tournament, the lowest division in each age group will be reserved for NorCal Bronze and lower teams.

Dates: August 30-Sept 1

Registration Link:  Available Here

Age Groups: Boys/ Girls U11-U19

Registration Deadline : July 15, 2025

Entry Fee:  $1350.00 (U13-U19), $875 (U11-U12)


Check in Information for the Davis Legacy Tournaments

DOWNLOAD YOUR AGREEMENT SHEET HERE (also available on step #7)





Roster Freeze Deadline is 5:00 pm the evening before your first tournament match


  1. Log onto your GotSport account and click your team that playing in the tournament
  3. Select the Davis Legacy Tournament you are checking in for from the drop down menu
  4. Add any LOAN or CLUB PASS players by clicking on the buttons available.

Register players at this link:

For more information on this please follow this link:

  1. To check for “APPROVED PLAYERS” go the “TEAM REGISTRATIONS” tab click on the corresponding Davis Legacy Tournament
  2. Click the “ROSTER” tab, your approved players will appear on this roster.  PLEASE MAKE SURE THIS ROSTER IS 100% CORRECT, THE MATCH CARDS WILL BE PRINTED WITH THIS ROSTER.
  3. Download and fill out the agreement sheet found here
  4. Click on the TEAM REGISTRATIONS tab, then click on the corresponding Davis Legacy Tournament, this click on REGISTRATION tab, hit the EDIT button and upload your agreement sheet. (PLEASE NOTE, YOU DO NOT NEED TO UPLOAD YOUR ROSTER AS IN THE PAST)
  5. Please note you will not see the document approved as in years past
  6. YOU ARE ALL SET, the players will check in with the referee 30 minutes before each match.  They will need their player cards (cards do not need to be uploaded) and will be checked against the match cards (the tournament will print the match cards).


2024 Davis Legacy Lily Nisen

Rules of play:   Age Group will be 2024-2025 (with the EXCEPTION of the SPRING CLASSICO which will be 2023/2024).  FIFA rules will apply unless noted below. It is the understanding of this tournament committee that all teams, including all players, coaches, spectators, and officials, will participate in the spirit of FAIR PLAY and will conduct themselves in accordance with the Tournament Rules.

CHECK IN DEADLINE:  All teams must be checked in by the following deadlines.  

For information on how to check in online click here



CS GIRLS U13-U16 THURSDAY, JULY 11 5:00 pm

CS GIRLS U17/U19 FRIDAY, JULY 12 5:00 pm

CS BOYS U13-U16 THURSDAY, JULY 25 5:00 pm

CS BOYS U17/U19 FRIDAY, JULY 26 5:00 pm




Deadline to Withdraw:  Deadline to withdraw from the tournament with a full refund is 45 days prior to the start of an event.  Any team with drawing after this date will forfeit their entry fee

Forfeited Matches:  Any team that does not fulfill their commitment to play all tournament matches may be banned for 2 years for future tournament and club placed on probation

PLAYING ON MULTIPLE TEAMS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED:  Players may only play and be on one roster at the tournament, this includes different age groups, different brackets regardless of the players affiliation with the club

Tournament Format:  All teams will be guaranteed 3 matches, championship matches will be played in most age groups.  Placement matches will be in selected age groups only.

Protests:   Protests are only allowed regarding paperwork issues.  The decision of the Referee, Field Marshall, and the Tournament Director shall be final. All games will be considered final. Disputes will be handled by the tournament committee and tournament director. Referee decisions may NOT be disputed.  Only the Tournament Director has the ability to declare a match a “forfeit.”  Tournament Director has the discretion to order matches “continued at a later time” or “result stands” (provided at least half of the match is completed.)

Heat Index:  Tournament will abide by US SOCCER Heat Guidelines, with temperature taken at the Davis Legacy Complex.  To access US SOCCER HEAT INDEX, please click here.

Drones:  No drones allowed over any fields

Credentials: Laminated US Club player ID cards will be required. {all cards MUST be valid. All teams must provide a team roster.  PLAYERS MAY ONLY PLAY FOR ONE TEAM DURING THE TOURNAMENT, regardless of their club affiliation.  This includes various age groups.  ONCE AGAIN, PLAYERS MAY PLAY FOR ONLY 1 TEAM DURING THIS TOURNAMENT.  TEAMS IN VIOLATION OF THIS MAY FORFEIT MATCHES.

Medical Release:  All players must have signed US Club medical release forms at team check in and throughout the tournament.

**NEW USSF MANDATED HEADING RULE:**  Age group U11 and younger….”an intentionally headed ball will result in an “indirect free kick” for the opposing team”

Players Age Group: Teams will play in their 2024/2025 Age Groups (with the exception of the SPRING SUPER CLASICO)

Age/Field size/Heading Rule

U9  (7 v 7 Heading Rule Applies)

U10 (7 v 7 Heading Rule Applies)

U11 (9 v 9 Heading Rule Applies)

U12 (9 v 9)

U13 (11 v 11)

U14 (11 v 11)

U15 (11v11)

U16 (11v11)

U17 (11v11)

U19 (11v11)  

Roster Size: Teams may register a maximum of 18 players for the u9 and U12 age groups with a maximum of 18 players suited up per game; A team may use an UNLIMITED amount of “LOAN” or “GUEST” players but any team utilizing loan or guest players is still limited to the stated maximum roster size of 15.   U13-U19 may register 26 players, with a maximum of 18 suited per match

Loan Players (Guest Players):  UNLIMITED, proper paperwork must be included

Player’s Credentials and Equipment: The referee has the final determination as to the safety of each player’s equipment. All players are required to use shin guards. No rings, chains, watches, metal objects, jewelry, or headbands may be worn. Soft casts are permitted with the permission of the referee. Hard casts are not allowed in tournaments due to insurance purposes.

Player picture identification cards are to be present and available at all matches.

Identification cards are required to be checked by the referee prior to each match

The shirt number of each player must be the same as the player’s shirt number on the game card or roster.

Home Team: Home Team will be listed first on the scoreboard and in the program. 

Away Team: Will be required to change uniforms if there is a conflict (note: different than most tournaments). The “away” team is listed second on the schedule

Team Check- In & Registration: ALL TOURNAMENT CHECK IN IS DONE ONLINE, INFORMATION AVAILABLE HERE (same check in procedure for each tournament). Failure to check-in may result in disqualification from the tournament without a refund of the fee. At the discretion of the tournament, the disqualified team may be allowed to compete as a “Guest team.” Games not played will be classified as “Forfeits and Byes.” Forfeits will be scored as 3-0.

Requirements for Check-In & Registration:  At the Mandatory Registration, teams must provide the required credentials. All US teams must provide valid laminated Player ID Cards with photographs, signed medical Release forms.  Travel Papers for US Club teams are not required. Proper Player Loan Forms will be required at Registration along with other required credentials, as required by US Club soccer.  ***PLEASE NOTE:  NEW PLAYERS NEED TO BE RELEASED OR HAVE LOAN PAPERWORK SIGNED, GETTING NEW PASSES IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY NOT THE TOURNAMENTS***

Teams From the United States: The players must present picture identification cards issued by the teams Federation Organization Member (US Club/CYSA/USSF).  Teams must provide proof of approval of the team’s participation from the teams Federation Organization Member.

Conduct:  All coaches have total responsibility for the conduct of their player, team officials and bench. Coaching from the sidelines (giving direction to one’s own team) is permitted provided:

No mechanical devices are used;  (drums, non electrical musical instruments are OK provided they are not in the technical area)

Each coach, player or substitute remains within 10 yards of either side of the halfway line

No coach, player or substitute makes derogatory remarks or gestures to the referees, other coaches, players, substitutes or team officials.

No coach, player or substitute uses profanity or incites, in any manner, disruptive behavior.

Any parental behavior on the sideline such as profanity, coaching, fighting or other behavior that is not sportsmanlike is not accepted. Teams can be removed from the tournament per the Tournament Committee if they feel the team sideline is out of control.  Consumption of alcohol is not permitted at the complex

Equipment:  No Jewelry…Hard casts are not allowed in the tournaments.  Mandatory that all players wear shin guards…No alcohol permitted at the tournament……No smoking…No animals (Dogs)

Cautions & Ejection’s:  A player or coach receiving two (2) yellow cards in a single game is considered to have received an ejection (red card). Ejected players or coaches may not be replaced in the current game and shall serve a minimum of one game suspension at their next game played. For flagrant violations, longer suspension  or additional disciplinary action may be enforced based on mandatory review of the Tournament Director. The tournament director will hold ID cards of the player or coach until suspensions are served. Suspended coaches cannot be on the same sideline as the team with no communication of any manner. Players may sit with the team but may not be in uniform. Suspended Coaches must be “Out of Sight & Sound of the Field”.  PLEASE NOTE, UNDER FIFA and US CLUB TOURNAMENT Sanctioning Rules, Red Cards can NOT be appealed.  All sending offs are a mandatory 1 game suspension.  If a player or coach is suspended beyond 1 match, that ban may be appealed.  The one game suspension is mandatory and may not be appealed. No points are deducted for sending offs, coach or player.

Suspended Games: If, in the opinion of game officials, a game must be terminated due to misconduct of players, bench or spectators, the offending team could be suspended from further play and forfeit all points and position previously earned. Additionally, the home league and state association will be contacted as appropriate.

Substitutions: Unlimited substitutions allowed in all ages group. However, teams may substitute only with the referee’s permission. Substitutes must wait on the sideline (off of the field of play) until the field player has left the field of play and/or the referee has indicated the substitute may enter the field of play. Substitutions are allowed only at the following times (including over-times):

Substitutions by either Team are allowed at any stoppage of play with the permission of the referee. Referees will be instructed not to allow substitutions that are deemed “excessive” or of a “time wasting” nature.  Please be respectful of the integrity of the game and do not use the free substitution rules as a means to disrupt the match.

Injury:  In the spirit of the game, all attempts to play injury time will be made. Delays of the match due to injury (or other stoppages) will result in appropriate time being added to the full game time, based on the judgment of the referee.

Home Team: The home team appears first on the match schedule. 

Away Team:  The away team will be required to switch to an alternate jersey, if the referee declares color conflict.

Side Lines:   Both teams and coaches will be on the same sideline directed by the field marshal or referee unless otherwise notified. All spectators will be on the opposite sideline.


Forfeitures & Byes: Games not played will be classified as “Forfeits & Byes”. Teams failing to report ready to play within Five (5) minutes of scheduled kick-off time may forfeit that game. All teams who Forfeit will have the game scored 0-3 loss. The winner will be awarded maximum tournament points for a win (3 for 3-0 the win). A team needs 5 players for a U9-U11 match, 7 players for a U12-U19 match for the game to get started. Teams taking actions which cause the game to be terminated will forfeit.

Disputes:  Tournament Committee will handle all disputes that are non-referee decisions and make all final decisions.

Decisions by referees may not be appealed and any decision on a dispute will be final and may not be appealed.

AGE GROUPS  (all tournaments with the exception of the Spring Clasico who uses current age groups)

U9-Born on after 2016

U10-Born on after 2015

U11-Born on or after 2014

U12-Born on or after 2013

U13-Born on or after 2012

U14-Born on or after 2011

U15-Born on or after 2010

U16-Born on or after 2009

U17-Born on or after 2008

U19 Born on or after 2005

Playing Times:  Play will be based on halves as specified below:  All overtime for applicable matches will be 2 5 minute extra time periods.


Age Group: Match Length

U9-U12 25 minute halves, 50 minutes full

U13-U14 30 minute halves, 60 minutes full


U13/U14 30 minute halves, 60 minutes full

U15-U19 35 minute halves, 70 minutes full


U9-U12 25 minute halves, 50 minutes full


U13-U19 30 minute halves, 60 minutes full

Games decided in overtime will not be “golden goal.”  Full amount of time plus injury time will be played.  If match is still tied, game will be decided by penalty kicks.  Over time games will only be played for ”FINAL”  (Two 5 minute periods).  “SEMI FINAL,” “PLACEMENT” games and CONSOLATION matches will be decided by a penalty shoot out if games are tied after regulation.  Group matches will end in a draw.

All teams will be scheduled for a minimum of  games.  A match is “complete” upon completion of one half of play regardless of the circumstances of termination during the second half with final results based on the score at termination.

Half-time: Half-time will be exactly five (5) minutes. Please help officials with this request.

Tournament Points System:

3 Points For each Win

1 Points for each draw

0 Points for a loss

(points are not deducted for red cards)

Score Reporting:  Scores after each game will be reported by the referees reporting the scores to the Field Marshall.  If the score is misprinted on the internet or “board” please contact the Tournament Director immediately.

Tie Breakers: In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined as follows:

1. The winner of head to head competition.

2. Goal Differential (there is no limit on goal difference)

3. Goals For (there is no limit on goals scored)

4. Goals Against

5. Most Wins

6. Penalty Shoot Out

Tie Breakers: (if 3 or more teams are tied)  If more than two teams are involved in a tie, tie breaker number 2 (only if one team has not beaten the other 2, 3, 4 teams, {only relevant in a crossover bracket}) will be used first to rank the teams. If all teams are still tied, tie breaker number 3 will be used to rank the teams, and so on until a tie is broken.  Once a team has been ranked higher or lower, the next tie breaking criteria will be used to continue to rank the teams.  If more than two teams are still tied after tie breaker number 5, a coin toss will be held with the odd team sitting out.  The other two teams will then take kicks from the mark to establish a winner.  The winner of this will then play the team sitting out. (kicks from the mark). The winner will advance.  When all teams will advance to the playoff rounds a coin toss, as sequenced above, will decide the team’s seed in lieu of kicks from the mark

Example #1.  Three teams have 6 points and have all defeated each other.  Team A has a goal differential of +6, Team B is +4 and Team C is +3.  Team A is 1st, Team B is 2nd and Team C is 3rd.

Example #2.  Three teams have 6 points and have all defeated each other.  Team A has a goal differential of +6, Team B is +4 and Team C is +4.  Team A is 1st.  Team B has scored 4 goals and Team C has scored 3 goals.  Team B is 2nd and Team C is 3rd based on Tie Breaker #3 (Goals For)

Example #3. Three teams have 6 points and have all defeated each other.  Team A has a goal differential of +2, Team B is +3 and Team C is +3.  Team B and Team C each have scored 9 goals, but Team B has only conceded 1 goal, Team C has conceded 2 goals.  Team B is #1, Team C is #2 and Team A is #3.  (Please note if one team is ranked higher or lower, the TIE BREAKING PROCEDURE does not revert to tie breaker #1)


Acts of God: Rain or other weather conditions during the tournament shall not delay play unless the referee determines the field to be unsafe for play. In the event of such a delay or postponement games will be rescheduled if at all possible.  If a match has played more than a half, the Tournament Director may declare the result of the match to stand. If games cannot be rescheduled or played due to rain, weather, or other Acts of God there will be no refund of fees.




Questions regarding hotel information for the tournament?

Please contact Kimberly Harding

Phone: 404-842-0000

Email: [email protected]

Legacy Fields

The Tsakopoulos Family Soccer Complex, previously known as the Davis Legacy Soccer Complex, and commonly refereed to as Legacy Fields, is a privately operated 63 Acre soccer facility conveniently located off of Interstate 80 in South Davis.

To get to Legacy Fields from Sacramento, take the first exit (E. Chiles Rd) just at the west end of the Yolo Causeway. Turn right at E. Chiles Rd (the road that the off-ramp ends at) and go under the freeway (the signs are directing you towards 80 East). Continue on the frontage road on the south of the freeway (E. Chiles Rd.) for approximately 1.5 miles until Road 105D. There should be a sign for the DYSL Soccer Fields. Turn left on Road 105D, the fields are on the left.

To get to Legacy Fields from the Bay Area, take the Mace Blvd. exit. At the end of the off-ramp turn left on Chiles Road. Continue approximately 1.7 miles east on Chiles Road, past the car dealerships. Turn right on Road 105D. There should be a sign for the DYSL Soccer Fields. The fields are on the left.

Portable toilet facilities are available.

Davis Legacy has a strict NO dog policy at all times.  We realize that many of our members are responsible dog owners with friendly dogs, but for reasons reviewed at our board meeting, we have had to create a NO DOG policy at our complex.  This means no dogs at Legacy Fields at all times (ie training, games, or tournaments) as well as no dogs at any of the fields/venues being used during tournaments.  Appropriately identified/licensed assistance animals are allowed.


Labor Day Super Cup Rules: HERE